Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Subsidy in Next 3 Months

I really can't imagine what will happen to all Malaysian, after the Government announced new plan for the oil subsidy allocation, which will take place in the next 3 months, where the oil subsidy will be wiped-out in total with a new system.

I'm just thinking what would be the best solution for this, would the Government to issue smart card, or upgrade the existing facility in MyCard for identification.  I believe there would be certain limit of subsidy, says limit to RM300 per month per household. If you use more than this limit, you've to pay at market price. But the Government should take care those low income, where I'm sure they will not spend that much. 

Believe me, right after the Government announce the new subsidy scheme, our consumer products will boost up like hell. Those 'kedai mamak/groceries' especially will increase their price. The Government should think carefully before make any decision, especially oil price, coz once the new oil price is revised, one thing for sure the chain reaction will be faster than expected. We'll be effected from the oil price hike.