Saturday, June 28, 2008

Change Your Life Style : PM

I don't understand why the Government urge Malaysian to change our daily life style after the fuel hike. Why? Why? Why Pak Lah? You are the creator to all sort of problems in this country, and we all been punished from what you had decided. Wow, it's really fair enough. Pak Lah you are very damn good and so clever. You want us 'hidup macam mana lagi', I think we should 'pose ari2 ler'. Seriously, I 'tak kisah kalau gi kerja nak public transport'..but see how 'efficient' our public transport. Those minister2 you don't feel the pinch, coz everything is provided for you. Then, they claim they all really understand how our 'rakyat feel' after the fuel hike. They try to fool us. Bloody dam fxxk. You know nothing peanut!!.