- Bayaran honorarium sebanyak RM2,000 tanpa mengira pangkat (NOT APPROVED)
- Kenaikan Imbuhan Tetap Perumahan dari RM180 to RM230 (APPROVED)
- Memberi semula Elaun Kritikal bagi Kumpulan Sokongan yang ditarik balik pada Februari 2008 (APPROVED)
- Penambahbaikan Penilaian Tahab Kecekapan (PTK) - (APPROVED- haram tak cekap pun)
- Melanjutkan umur persaraan wajib dari 56 kepada 60 tahun (APPROVED - berjanggut ler geng2 bawahan nak naik pangkat)
How many staff works in public sector, if I'm not mistaken the numbers only between 1.2-1.5 million. But since they already pampered by government too much since day one, look like dah manja sangat dah ler. Aper ajer yang diminta semua kena penuhi. Come on ler Government, please wake up from your sleep. Who's actual contribute more towards this nation? Public sector or private? Think yourself la.
When Government introduced few methods to cut cost due to fuel hike in public sector, most of them start to feel the pinch. Why? Becoz they alway been pampered by Government, and always not ready to take any challenges. When there is cost increase in certain item, Ceupacs start to urge Government to increase their COLA. You know Omaq, becoz of you, we all in private sector suffered due to your stupid action. When those government servant received their new COLA, next those seller outside there also start to increase their selling price of consumer products, dengan alasan shortage supply of certain items.
Actually public sector is not profit driven sector, and that's why those who are working in public sector doesn't take care all about their expenses. And therefore, so biler buat kerja, macam suit ajer. I don't think there is any pressure at their work place. By the way, they can go home early as 5.30 p.m if they want. I personally have experienced dealing with public sector, no need to mention the agency name (kang malu plak). At one point, I call this agency about something related to my office work at 5.15 p.m, and you know the I got really a 'pleasant answer' from one of the officer in public sector, 'Encik, waktu bekerja dah hampir tamat, boleh tak encik telephone esok'. Dalam hati I, what the hell this public servant is doing during their office our?
Seriously aku tak boleh kerja dalam public sector, end up aku jadi lembab!! Serba serbi lembab la. Nasib baik aku tak kerja dalam public sector.
When Government introduced few methods to cut cost due to fuel hike in public sector, most of them start to feel the pinch. Why? Becoz they alway been pampered by Government, and always not ready to take any challenges. When there is cost increase in certain item, Ceupacs start to urge Government to increase their COLA. You know Omaq, becoz of you, we all in private sector suffered due to your stupid action. When those government servant received their new COLA, next those seller outside there also start to increase their selling price of consumer products, dengan alasan shortage supply of certain items.
Actually public sector is not profit driven sector, and that's why those who are working in public sector doesn't take care all about their expenses. And therefore, so biler buat kerja, macam suit ajer. I don't think there is any pressure at their work place. By the way, they can go home early as 5.30 p.m if they want. I personally have experienced dealing with public sector, no need to mention the agency name (kang malu plak). At one point, I call this agency about something related to my office work at 5.15 p.m, and you know the I got really a 'pleasant answer' from one of the officer in public sector, 'Encik, waktu bekerja dah hampir tamat, boleh tak encik telephone esok'. Dalam hati I, what the hell this public servant is doing during their office our?
Seriously aku tak boleh kerja dalam public sector, end up aku jadi lembab!! Serba serbi lembab la. Nasib baik aku tak kerja dalam public sector.
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