Why suddently AirAsia want to move to Labu from existing terminal LCCT in Sepang. Everybody try to guess what is going on with AirAsia and Sime Darby at this juncture. Apparently, Sime Darby also is the 'bad boy' who trying to takeover IJN from Government. Budak hitam nei lagi yang buat kacau.
I'm sure all of us are very upset when Government suddenly gives it green light to build another LCCT in Labu. It doesn't make sense at all when the Government give approval on this relocation of LCCT, while the current LCCT is still in the process of expansion..
Let us see this in bigger perspectives:
1. Why Labu?
Currently the are two Terminal are currently operates in Sepang, KLIA and LCCT which both are sharing the same landing lanes. Ape tujuan Kerajaan mengadakan KLIA? Sebab utamanya, mengatasi kesesakan di Terminal 2 and 3, Subang, yang pada masa itu tidak mampu menampung peningkatan bilangan penumpang.

Dengan adanya KLIA dan LCCT, segala permasalahan yang dihadapi semasa di Subang telah dapat di atasi sepenuhnya dengan 10,500 ha designated for KLIA. Alasan untuk ke Labu yang diberi hanyalah, current LCCT Terminal tak mampu menampung peningkatan penumpang yang yang di jangka meningkat dari 7.5 million to 10.5 million per year.
Apa yang ada di Labu? Ape menariknya di sana as compared to KLIA? LCCT Sepang currently is temporary terminal, until the completion of new permenant Terminal LCCT, which to be nearer to KLIA in 2010.
Projek pembinaan LCCT ini adalah JV between AirAsia and Sime Darby. Where Sime Darby is the main contractor for the LCCT construction, while AirAsia is the Terminal Operator.
Kalau kita selidik, Sime Darby memiliki tanah yang amat luas di Labu, tetapi sayang nilainya tidak seberapa kalau di bandingkan dengan kawasan di Selangor dan KL. Jadi untuk boost land value in Labu, a bigger project must be done in Labu. Which later can attract more people to stay in Labu. With the construction of LCCT Labu, this will mitigate Sime Darby's risk in managing their properties. Teori nei macam yang sedang berlaku kat Dubai ler, dari hanya kawasan lembah padang pasir, sekarang telah menjadi among the highest/expensive in the world. Properties macam goreng pisang panas ler kat sana.
Why only Labu is choosen, why not others area which is better than Labu. In term of connectivity, there are few places are better than Labu. But why Labu?
2. Learn the mistake done from Senai Airport
In 2003, Senai Airport Terminal Services S.B (SAB) bought Senai International Airport in Johor from MAHB and turned into Malaysia's first private airport, which until now SAB still struggling to make profit after few years in losses.
Do we want to see the second Senai Airport episod in Labu, happen again?
3. Future prospect of LCCT Sepang
As we know, the current LCCT is dedicated to AirAsia, but if AirAsia is not keen to operate its business in Sepang, what will be happen to LCCT Terminal in Sepang? To Government, please stop with this kind of AirAsia sandiwara. We all dah muak dah tengok Government dok ikut sangat rentak AirAsia. Semua nak mintak, rakyat dah bosan dengan lakonan nei, takkan nak tengok Tony dok minta spender Pak Lah.
Dah banyak dah duit Government laburkan kat LCCT Sepang, kalau macam nie ler gayenya,

tak payah ler nak kasi bantuan lagi kat AirAsia nei, yang sememangnya tak tahu mengenang budi. Kalau AirAsia insist jugak nak operates in Labu, OK bagi ajer kat depa tapi dengan syarat, Government kena tetapkan pendirian, bahawa tak ader bantuan akan diberi sekiranya AirAsia gagal seperti aper yang berlaku di Senai Airport.
Jelas sekali Government sekarang nei terlalu mengikut telunjuk AirAsia especially biler Abang Tony request something.
4. AirAsia's competitors : How ?
I'm wondering what happen to other competitors which currently operates in LCCT Sepang? Are they going to move to LCCT Labu which will be operated by their competitor such Jetstar. TigerAirways etc. which will be their host. Other low cost airlines hv to follow all the rules set by AirAsia (as airport operator), which obviously will benefitting to AirAsia.