What actually makes Fly Asian Express (FAX) to hand over the rural service to Malaysian AIrline System Berhad (MAS)? What is the rational behind that. Earlier under rationalisation of domestic flights signed in July 2006, for rural area services (RAS) in Sabah and Sarawak have been surrendered to Air Asia from MAS. After MAS had announced its wholly-owned subsidiary, Firefly who offers daily service out of Penang to Kota Bharu, Langkawi, Kuantan and Kuala Terengganu, then FAX has informed to Government its intentions to hand over back RAS to MAS.
Actually, the rural services in Sabah and Sarawak is not really profitable route to any operator. The wost thing is during nine months with FAX, the state authorities always criticised to FAX of not having adequate flights to serve the demands. Was FAX trying to wash its hand by handing over the loss-making rural air services to MAS?
Out of 10's Fokker 50 delivered to FAX in July 2006, only 2's left in 'good condition' at redelivery to MAS, while the remaining can be described as '1/2 Fokker 50', most of the parts being 'robbed' in order to run their daily operation. Fokker 50 spare parts are ceased from any manufacturing. This bad boy always make 'kacau' every where by having backup from '4th Floor' interference .